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Suffering and Sovereignty: a Follow-up

My last post may have caused some confusion regarding the timeliness of teaching some truths.…

On Sin and Sorrow: Suffering and God’s Sovereignty

Whether the logical outcome of our own buffoonery, the carelessness or cruelty of others, or…

Hope Entombed with Sabbath Gloom

On a Friday long ago, history pivoted on the crucifixion of a carpenter turned peripatetic…

About The Author

I'm not sure what to write in this space to recommend myself to you. I used to fly jets in the USAF, so that says something about me, but how that makes me knowledgeable on the subjects to which I speak, I can't say. Perhaps this - As a fighter pilot, I was at the pinnacle of so-called "self esteem." After eight years, having eschewed that valuable training (not choosing to stay in or get on as an airline pilot), I tried to make my way in the world. Hey, I figured that if I could sell books door-to-door in college, I could do anything. I was wrong. Since then, in my frustration to "succeed" (whatever that means), I've never since found the meeting of my true talents and any market for them. Sure, I've gotten by on my secondary and tertiary abilities, but I've never found solace for having chosen to voluntarily give up what many would kill for. In this angst, I've searched inward and outward for purpose or "calling" or whatever might quiet the voice in my head, "what did you do?!" What has this search and years of study yielded? Well, I hope you'll visit with me a while and discover that for yourself. Agree, disagree, pick a fight. But if you do, be ready to contend intelligently ("with gentleness and respect") for your view as I will mine.

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